Amid the healthcare industry’s continued shift toward value-based care, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have emerged as one of the most significant models for physicians’ groups seeking to adapt to a new set of financial opportunities and regulatory realities. What is an ACO? The ACO model aims to bolster group performance, reduce costs, increase payer reimbursements, […]

Brandy Smuzeski
Clinical Manager
The Most Important Benefits of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO)
Joining an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) provides many benefits for patients and physicians, as a growing number of people have noticed. The Advantages of Joining an ACO Hospitals, medical providers, and a growing number of primary care physicians join ACOs that incentivize the delivery of high-quality healthcare. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) […]
How Does an ACO Work: Increasing Care Quality and Reducing Costs
When it comes to acronyms, the world of healthcare is in abundance. So, how does an ACO work, and what is it? An ACO, or Accountable Care Organization, is joined voluntarily by physicians, hospitals, and other medical providers to incentivize the delivery of high-quality healthcare. While it has been compared to an HMO (Health Maintenance […]
The Time is Now – Why You Should Join an ACO (Accountable Care Organization)
Read Full Episode Transcript The reporting and resources needed to keep up with the demands of Medicare quality standards have only become more cumbersome both now and in the future. Toggling upside and downside risk can be difficult to keep up with and confusing at times. Many practices are constantly worried that one dropped ball […]