Our Client Results / Healthcare Analytics

Medical Advantage Helps FQHC Increase Reporting Accuracy, Reduce Time & Costs


After working through the process, the client confirmed that reporting generated by Medical Advantage achieved: 



Accuracy in reporting data



Staff reporting time

Overview of FQHC 

This Washington D.C. area network of community health centers has over 300 providers and participates in a School-Based Health Center (SBHC) program. There was a considerable need for support for data and meeting specific grant reporting requirements, including both monthly reports and quarterly deliverables. 


The large scale of the network, combined with its limited resources, created significant challenges for the Medical Advantage team. They identified three critical issues: 

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Limited staff, lack of support, and the need for process improvements in the data and analytics department

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Time-consuming, manual processes to produce SBHC grant reports

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Lack of coding for accurate and automated results for final submission formats

Our Solutions

Medical Advantage, began this project by working collaboratively  with staff to fully understand the specific reporting needs. Our consultants then developed a custom analytics solution that effectively expanded the team’s operational capacity. 

Medical Advantage evaluated the client’s reporting process and created a solution that met their needs. To optimize reporting, we: 

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Found, investigated, and resolved coding issues that were producing duplicative or otherwise inaccurate results

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Eliminated a great deal of manual work

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Created coding to run and automate the report generation process to produce consistent results in less time

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Adhered to all data security regulations and compliance regarding health data

“Working with Medical Advantage has been a great investment for the data reporting for our School-Based Health Center (SBHC) Program. Their team understands the importance of accurate data reporting, which is key to the continuation of our grant. They took time to meet with us to learn about our current process and what we were doing to manually run, analyze and synthesis the data into a format to report to our funder.”



Medical Advantage Can Help

Medical Advantage is an innovator in healthcare. Our years of experience, data driven strategies and in person approach drive change, improve outcomes, and maximize ROI. Our team has the expertise to provide customized, actionable solutions to decrease the cost of care and improve quality for your practice.

Talk to one of our experts today

Medical Advantage - TDC Group