EHR Go-Live Support

Your Trusted Partner for EHR Go-Live Support

Our certified team of EHR Consultants listens, then develops a personalized EHR Go-Live plan to suit the needs of your practice. More than just EHR Go-Live support, our EHR Consultant team starts by getting to know you and your practice through an in-depth practice assessment. We tailor EHR Go-Lives to suit your specific needs. Equipped with what we’ve learned about your practice, we use our extensive experience with physicians and office managers – combined with our expertise in EHR systems – to tailor your Go-Live for your practice.

Professionals looking at clip boards

EHR Go-Live Support

Your Trusted Partner for EHR Go-Live Support

Our certified team of EHR Consultants listens, then develops a personalized EHR Go-Live plan to suit the needs of your practice. More than just EHR Go-Live support, our EHR Consultant team starts by getting to know you and your practice through an in-depth practice assessment. We tailor EHR Go-Lives to suit your specific needs. Equipped with what we’ve learned about your practice, we use our extensive experience with physicians and office managers – combined with our expertise in EHR systems – to tailor your Go-Live for your practice.

Start Getting More out of Your EHR Investment Today

Nurse looking at clipboard

EHR Go-Live Experience

Our team has experience providing EHR Go-Live support for more than 1,000 providers, practices, and health systems, with support across several leading EHR tools and platforms (including Go-Live support for eClinicalWorks). As we understand the specific needs of your practice, our team of experts is available to help assist you in setting up an effective Go-Live that encompasses your needs and the benefits of the EHR tool that you have chosen.

Our EHR Go-Live Team:

  • Designs patient screens and templates specific to your practice
  • Eliminates the screens and templates you don’t need
  • Tailors workflows within the product to align with the patient workflows in your office
  • Sets you up for success in your payer programs;
  • and makes a host of other customizations, as well as assisting with database migration

EHR Rescue

Already feel like you are too far down the road with another vendor? Our team is available to help “rescue” struggling EHR installs and get them back on track. Maybe it’s due to staff turnover, or a poor implementation plan – for any number of reasons, individual practices or health systems may find themselves in trouble with respect to an implementation. Our team of experts is available to help. Whether it’s project management, tool customization, office staff training, or interface and management with the EHR vendor, the Medical Advantage team is ready to help you ensure you’re getting the most from your investment.

Launch your EHR with help from an experienced team

Partnering with Medical Advantage to improve your EHR will establish a long-term management solution for your practice or organization. We’ve spent two decades working with physicians and practices to help improve patient care quality, administrative efficiency, sustainable profitability, and regulatory compliance. As a partner in optimizing the EHR for your practice, Medical Advantage gives you the unique benefit of applying a seasoned medical point-of-view to a technology project.

Talk to one of our experts today

Start Your EHR Optimization Journey Today

Learn how to make the most of your system to boost efficiency and performance.

Medical Advantage - TDC Group