Understanding athenaClinicals EHR: Features and Capabilities for Healthcare Providers

by | Mar 8, 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of healthcare, choosing the right electronic health records (EHR) system sets the stage for operational success. As part of the comprehensive athenahealth EHR software platform, athenaClinicals offers a cloud-based, feature-rich solution tailored to various medical specialties. This article delves into the key features and capabilities of athenaClinicals to help you decide if it is the right fit for your practice. 

athenahealth EHR System: Enhanced Clinical Documentation and Workflow Efficiency 

As a module within the athenahealth electronic health records, athenaClinicals has been designed to significantly reduce the administrative workload for providers, allowing them to focus more on patient care. Features include: 

  • Customizable charting templates and macros, along with pre-encounter prep features.  
  • Specialty focused platform that is intuitive and effective, regardless of the medical specialty it is being used for. 
  • Mobile access provides healthcare professionals securely retrieve document care encounters, view patient data, and manage tasks from anywhere at any time. 

Whether through customizable tools, specialty-focused design, or mobile access, athenahealth’s centralized platform provides healthcare professionals with the tools they need to deliver high-quality care efficiently. 

Data-Driven Insights and Care Coordination 

One of the significant features of athenaClinicals is its network integration capability. Here, the athenahealth EMR system promotes comprehensive patient care by integrating health data within its expansive network, which includes CommonWell and Carequality. This seamless exchange allows providers to access critical historical patient information effortlessly, promoting informed decision-making and personalized patient care. 

Moreover, athenaClinicals goes beyond mere data collection to generate actionable insights for quality improvement. This offers healthcare organizations a view into discrepancies in care by analyzing patterns and trends in the collected data, allowing healthcare providers to make data-driven decisions aimed at improving patient outcomes.  

User-Friendly Platform 

athenaClinicals supports adaptable workflows and best-practice templates along with customizable note-taking functions. These features allow providers to tailor the EHR system to their unique needs, reducing operational friction within a facility. By accommodating different working styles, athenaClinicals enhances productivity and ensures accurate, thorough documentation. 

Moreover, navigating the ever-changing regulatory landscape in healthcare can be precarious at times. athenaClinicals eases this burden by providing ongoing updates aimed at maintaining compliance with the shifting requirements of the healthcare field. This feature ensures that practices remain compliant while minimizing disruptions to workflows and allowing providers to focus on delivering quality patient care. 

Comprehensive Suite of Solutions 

Voice Services is one of the standout features in athenaClinicals’ portfolio. Providers can ease charting processes and improve clinical efficiency through the integrated dictation functions. Its convenient verbal notetaking reduces the burden of manual documentation and frees up valuable time for patient care. 

In terms of population health management, athenaClinicals provides dedicated tools and a robust library of APIs to seamlessly manage populations of any size across multiple EHRs. These tools allow providers to identify risk factors, implement preventative measures, and better coordinate care across patient populations. Through proactive health management, these features help improve patient outcomes and promote wellness on a broader scale. 

Furthermore, athenaClinicals recognizes the growing importance of telehealth in modern healthcare. The platform includes a built-in telehealth solution, allowing healthcare organizations to broaden their services. This feature enables providers to address patients directly within the athenaClinicals platform, regardless of their location. It expands the reach of healthcare services and enhances convenience for providers and patients. 

Summary: athenaClinicals and athenahealth EHR 

athenaClinicals is a solution designed to optimize workflows and practice efficiency in healthcare organizations. This robust platform is part of the largest connected healthcare ecosystem, including the athenahealth EHR developed athenaOne, which can be seamlessly integrated with athenaClinicals to offer a comprehensive suite of services. 

The primary goal of athenaClinicals is to support member-centric organizations by improving efficiency, reducing repetitive tasks, and providing a more streamlined approach to patient care. Its technology delivers clean orders, and identifies potential physician partners, to support healthcare providers in focusing on delivering extraordinary care.  

athenahealth believes that good health is good business., For this reason, they have developed a partner program that enables third-party developers to create applications that complement and extend the core capabilities of athenaClinicals. The program can then market them to the nation through the athenahealth MDP Marketplace, providing additional value and customization options for users. Go here to learn about the partner program. 

As with vetting any software, consultants recommend that you request an athenaClinicals demo and read athenaClinicals reviews before making a final decision on your next EHR. 

Maximize the Potential of athenahealth EHR Functionality Through Personalized Provider Training 

For effective utilization of athenahealth EMR software, comprehensive and strategic training is crucial. Our consultants offer tailored training solutions to optimize your use of athenahealth products, ensuring successful implementation and adoption within your organization. Reach out to us to learn how we can help you fully harness the benefits of your athenahealth EHR software investment. 

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