Training Videos

EHR Training Videos

Unlock the full potential of your EHR and enhance your staff’s expertise with our exclusive EHR Training Videos

eClinicalWorks Training Videos

Take advantage of the expertise of our eClinicalWorks consultants and embark on your eCW EHR training journey

About Our EHR Optimization Services 

Medical professional on tablet

EHR Feature Review & Optimization

We dive deep into your current EHR system to identify underustilized features and areas for improvement. Our experts then tailor these features to better suit the needs of your team, enhancing overall efficiency and user satisfaction. 

Woman with glasses on computer

EHR Best Practices Training

Our team of EHR experts offers comprehensive training sessions designed to instruct your staff on the most effective ways to utilize your EHR system. This ensures that everyone is making the most of the system’s capabilities, leading to improved workflows and better patient care. 

Woman with phone headset on

Patient Portal Optimization

We focus on elevating the functionality and user-friendliness of your patient portal. By doing so, we aim to increase patient engagement and satisfaction., Making it easier for them to access their health information, schedule appointments, and communicate with healthcare providers drives better care outcomes through increased patient participation. 

Medical professional holding tablet

Maximizing Reimbursement & Incentive Income

Our support services include strategic guidance and practical action plans to ensure you are fully leveraging your EHR system for optimal reimbursement and taking advantage of available incentive programs. This approach helps to maximize your revenue and maintain financial health. 

Man in suit holding tablet

Reviewing And Implementing Automation

We assess your current processes to identify opportunities for automation within your EHR system. Implementing these automations can significantly reduce manual tasks, cut down on errors, and increase staff satisfaction. 

Doctor on tablet

Streamline Office Workflow

Our optimization efforts extend to streamlining your office workflows for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. By aligning your EHR system’s capabilities with your daily operations, we help create a smoother, more productive working environment for your staff  that empowers them to provide a better experience for your patients. 

Flexible Timing

Whether you’re carefully planning for the future or need our team to start right away – we can meet your timelines.

Flexible Engagements

The flexibility you need. We can help across multiple locations in large practice groups, or keep the scope small to fit within your budget.
Optimize Telehealth Staff Onboarding Icon

Systems Expertise

No matter what EHR you are using, our consultants have a deep understanding.

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